Patrick S. McNerney

Country: United States
Fire Dept: Rockledge
State: Florida
Years on job: 18
Rank: Lieutenant

Description: I always wanted a fire related tattoo. About 12 years ago
I had a cover up done with a tribal piece. It was a good cover up but
had no meaning. I have been searching for an artist to try to clean up my arm and not make a bigger mess of it.

I contacted Conan Lea and we came up with St. Florian. The city
reminds me of some old Italian towns. I lived there for a couple of years
when I was a kid. The American flag because this is the greatest country in the world. The 343 for our Fallen Brothers.

Tattoo Location: Right arm, half sleeve
Year Inked: 11/22/2005
Studio: Voluta Tattoo, Indianapolis
Artist: Conan Lea

© 2005