
Country: Canada

Fire Dept: Fort McMurray Fire/EMS

State: Alberta

Years on job: 1

Rank: Firefighter (private)

Description: I didn't want a tattoo of a dragon on fire, but rather a
tattoo of a fire taking the shape of a dragon.

The unique part about this dragon tattoo is that if you cover up the
top half of the dragon (basically from his head and hands up),the
bottom half is a side face profile of Jesus looking to the left. The little
sideways "V" is his eye, the left leg is his nose, his tail forms his
beard, and the spikes coming off the middle of his body above the eye
looks like the thorn wreath around Jesus's head. It's a little abstract
- i didnt want him to be really obvious. It's hard to see him at
first, but once you do, you'll always see it!
The dragon represents the fire, and Christ is inside the fire to
protect me.

I had the quote "Be still & listen, be brave & believe" written above
and below it - that saying has got me through many hard times both
personally and professionally.

Tattoo Location: Left Arm

Year Inked: 2004

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