click for a close up of the tattoo

Rob " KALLI " Kallendorf

Country: United States

Fire Dept: Springfield Twp. Fire Dept.

State: Ohio

Years on job: 6 1/2

Rank: Firefighter (private)

Description: It started out as a tribal in the center that means "stairway to heaven". I then kept adding to it with the different symbolisms in my life. Lots of fire with water on top, kanji symbols meaning loyalty, bravery, and water over fire.

A nautical star means to find my way home safely with a firefighter mizpah coin half on top (my wife has the other half of the coin tattooed on top of her nautical star). I then went with the Koi fish to symbolize striving for and reaching my goals.

Since my FD won't let me have a full sleeve, I figured I would keep adding the other direction....up.

Tattoo Location: Left arm, shoulder, and back

Year Inked: Started in 1996 getting close to being finished, maybe..

Studio: Started out at Uptown Tattoo, being completed by Staygold
classic tattoo

Artist: Sagent Staygold - Staygold tattoo

© 2006