Chris Leier

Country: United States

Fire Dept: Northville Vol. Fire Dept.

State: Connecticut

Years on job: year and a half

Rank: Firefighter (private)

Description: I am almost 18 now and have wanted to get a tattoo for a while and finally got a design together and got it done. I've been a firefighter for a little over a year now and it is something i plan to do
with my life so i decided to get a tattoo based on that. It has a general maltese, not dedicated to a certain department because i will be in many throughout my life. The eagle and flag represents our freedom and
the patriotism I have for the best country in the world! The flag is the only thing color to kind of back that whole idea up, but i may add more color someday.

Tattoo Location: side of right calf

Year Inked: 2006

Studio: Valle's Tattoo and Piercing

Artist: Eric

© 2006