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Tattoo of the Week
March 21, 2009

Shawn Fitz

Country: United States

State: New Hampshire

Fire Dept: Nashua Fire Rescue

Year Started in Fire Service: 2007

Rank: Firefighter (private)

Description: I wanted something to show my love for the job and to be patriotic. It also has my fathers, my grandfathers and my number on it as well.

Tattoo Location: Upper right arm

Year Inked: 2009

Studio: Devotion Ink

Artist: Jeff

Shawn's Father, Bob Fitz, has been taking photos of fire apparatus in the New England area for a number of years and has amassed quite a remarkable collection. Shawn & his brother have started a web site, Fitzy's Firehouse, to highlight those images. click here to view the site.

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