911 tribute tattoo
fdny memorial tattoo

Bryan Ayers

Country: United States

Fire Dept: Enfield Fire Department

State: Connecticut

Years on job: 22

rank: Lieutenant

Description: This is a tattoo that I designed to commemorate our FDNY brothers who lost their lives on September 11, 2001. The flames at the bottom spell out "Never Forget" with the 343 rising out of the smoke.

The rest of the design is pretty self-explanatory. I also included the W6 symbol on the back side of this tattoo to commemorate the 6 Worcester Firefighters who tragically lost their lives on January 3, 1999 fighting a warehouse fire. Many of those guys died trying to save their own brothers who were trapped inside.

Worcester Massachusetts is close to Enfield and I was very saddened by this loss and wanted to ensure that they were honored. I think Gypsy did a great job of turning my concept into a work of art that I will wear proudly.

Tattoo Location: Left Arm

Studio: Body Graphics

Artist: Gypsy

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